
 Advent History

The Spirit of Prophecy Restored

"...For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy."
Revelation 19:10

Prophet of the End!

One of the Most Astounding True Stories of Modern Times! Amazing History of a young girl, Unable to write a sentence or walk out the door unsupported, Yet destined to travel across continents, and write more than most have ever written!


The Most Important Book of Modern Times: Great Controversy

"Where the Bible Ends; an Amazing Story Began"


Ellen White's Autobiography In Audio MP3


Life Sketches of James and Ellen White


God's Health Reform Message: Ministry of Healing

One of the Amazing Insights the Lord chose to give the Remnant People though the prophetic gift, was accurate information on diet and many other aspects of healthful living.


 The Last Deception.pdf / The Last Deception Audio MP3

See Also 'Inspiration Reveals End-Time Events' for printable End-Time chapters from GC88, and First Visions:

